Smelly breath when your dog licks your face or yawns at you? Brown staining on teeth? Broken teeth? Reluctance to eat dry food? Slower to eat? Reluctant to play with hard toys? Not grooming well? Your pet may have dental disease, which is one of the most common problems presented at veterinary practices.
At Blessington Pet Hospital we have the most up to date dental equipment, similar in fact to that used by your own dentist - but your pet will be under anaesthetic so not scared at all! We descale tartar to bring those teeth back to a beautiful colgate smile, remove broken, loose or rotten teeth using gentle extraction techniques so that your pet's mouth is comfortable after surgery, and have specialised dental xray facilities in case your pet needs to have the roots of the teeth examined by xray. We will also advise you on correct food/treats/home dental care.