It has been a legal requirement for all dogs to be microchipped since March 2016, whether pups or adults. Microchipping is a quick and permanent means of identifying your pet. It involves injecting a tiny metal chip (approximately the size of a grain of rice) which holds a unique 15 digit number, in the loose floppy skin at the back or side of the neck. It can be done while the pet is conscious or while sedated/anaesthetised for another procedure. It is only mildly uncomfortable while being implanted, and causes no discomfort or pain afterwards. Most owners cannot even feel the microchip under the skin after it has been implanted.
By having your pet microchipped you are ensuring that should he become lost, if he is brought to a veterinary practice/rescue shelter/pound/garda station he can be scanned and identified as your pet and reunited with you promptly.