From the moment you bring home your bundle of barking or miaowing fluff, you want to keep your pet healthy and safe. We do too! Vaccinations are vitally important to protect your pet from diseases which can range from distressing (eg kennel cough),to fatal (eg rabies), and some which can also affect your family (eg leptospirosis).
Dogs, cats and rabbits should be protected lifelong against these diseases. Current recommendations for optimal protection are that dogs should be annually vaccinated against distemper, canine adenovirus, parvovirus, parainfluenza, leptospirosis and bordetella (but also need to be vaccinated against rabies if travelling abroad). Cats should be vaccinated against rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, panleukopaenia and feline leukaemia. Rabbits who have access to the outdoors should be protected from myxomatosis and viral haemorrhagic disease. These diseases can be transmitted by direct contact between animals/sniffing at faeces or urine from animals including rats and foxes/licking communal food bowls/biting insects/airborne/blood/saliva/during fights/during mating/even owners can transmit some of them on clothing and shoes - so please do not put your pet in danger by neglecting vaccinations.
But not only does your pet receive life-saving immunity, we always give each pet a thorough checkup at their annual vaccination, and can answer any queries you may have. The annual check up may reveal early signs of disease, which if left undetected until later would be harder to treat and cause your pet suffering in the meantime.
We will always advise you on the most up to date vaccination recommendations, so please contact us at 045 857875 for advice or to book in your pet for vaccination.